In Crazy Times Like Now, it is Time to Reflect

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Remember a few months ago when people reflected on everything that had happened in the past decade in their lives? At the time, a lot of people also started talking about how they weren’t sure what the next decade would bring and their fear and excitement of that unknown. Little exemplifies that unknown than the current situation that a lot of the world finds themselves in.

It is likely that the spread of  event will be the core event that will make that identity of the 20s and – yes – what you will do in the next 10 years.

A lot of people find themselves isolated, with more time on their hands then they are use to and some people have used that time well. Reaching out to friends and families that they hadn’t spoken to in a long time, starting craft projects that they have been meaning to do for months and more. I think it’s important to look at those things that you are bringing into your life right now. Now that so much noise of daily routines has been taken away for many people what do you find most important to do? If this time is building a sense of isolation from specific friends and family members, think about what you want your relationship to be with those people after the crisis. Maybe go and see them more? Keep your daily chats with your friends? If they are valuable to you now…don’t forget that value.

For the projects that you work on…don’t let your creativity die just because you can go outside again. If you find yourself drawing more with your time, remember the joy that drawing brings, if playing games brings you a smile, that is something worth reflecting on. The new reality of life has value and often brings time to reflect on the past present and future that is worth taking advantage of and to use to continue to prioritize the things that are important for you.

Also, if you are not talking to certain friends, not doing certain projects it’s time to reflect why you are not doing that in a time such as this. When will you reach out to a person if it isn’t now? When will you take on that sewing project you wanted to do if it’s not now when you are in quarantine (assuming that you have access to the materials)? This is also a time to be realistic with yourself and get rid of some of the burdens you might have. If you always makes excuses not to do something even when given an opportunity maybe it will never happen and it’s better to focus on something else. I do not know the specifics of your life but I do think that this is a great time for you to explore your life and get clarification on your own path.

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